Okay, here's two stories from Japan (thanks to Mainichi Daily News):
Man dies as 3 cars slam into him in quick succession
Old man arrested for releasing air on 100 bikesThe man in the first story was 71 and biking at 2:20am, but three seperate cars? The two drivers who could be identified were caught and charged with "professional negligence resulting in death". Meanwhile, the old man in the second bike story, a 79-year-old retiree, admitted to the charge of willful destruction of property. His reason? "Nobody will give me any time and I was feeling lonely," he said. He lives with his wife and daughter and he's most likely alone in the house all day. Unfortunately, this is what happens to a lot of retired Japanese salarymen and factory workers: they become bored because they have nothing to do and most of their work friends are probably in the same boat.
P.S. I'm not using articles from Japan to make fun of the country in any way. Rather, I'm trying to offer a perspective of another culture's news.
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